December 18, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Academy of Light - Warrior Team Solstice / Holiday Adventure
Lois Hermann
Academy of Light - Special Solstice / Holiday Adventure @ Academy of Light - Warrior Team Solstice / Holiday Adventure

Welcome to our Academy of Light – Special Solstice / Holiday Adventure!

You are invited to join our Light Warrior Team for a special adventure in energy clearing and alignment. Our amazing team gathers together regularly to clear the cloak of darkness and shine the light of truth in and around our world. We are excited to invite you to celebrate with us in preparation for one of the most important times in our celestial calendar, Winter Solstice, 2023.

In this special journey, our LIght Warriors will communicate with our Divine Guides of the Light, work as a team to clear the shadow of darkness that cloaks our world, and collectively shine our Light of Love to shift the energy of our beloved planet and all that lives in, on, and around her.

Click here to pre-register for this event: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QpbPTPDtS86EsmCGBf_oag

The event is free to all Lightworkers who are pure of heart and intend to be of service to humanity. We reserve the right to remove or dismiss any applicant we suspect is from the shadow in order to protect the integrity of this gathering.

We look forward to having you participate and/or observe this very special Light Warrior journey as we continue to shine the light of hope, love, and peace around the world for humanity, our animal family, our plant family, and our precious Mother Gaia.

Many Blessings,
Lois & Team

Academy of Light – Special Solstice / Holiday Adventure