Tricia on NLP Training – I feel like a completely different person. The training has been absolutely wonderful. Everyone should take this training… it is what the world...
Ever wonder why some healing approaches work better together? In this amazing conversation with Dr. Melanie Salmon, trainer and founder of Quantum Energy Coaching (QEC), we discuss combining trauma healing with energy work. Soctt Masciarelli and Juilette Dyer share in...
The secret of life is what you make of it. Some people look outside themselves for ever-evasive happiness. Yet, it can be found in simple forms all around. Once you notice and be grateful, it amplifies and multiplies. Some people think the secret of life is good...
Join Judy and Lois as they discuss Frequency-based Education on the Clearview Rumble Channel. Discover how Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP) plays a role in our lives, especially in education. Words do mean something and a lot of times it’s not what you...
“I found that NLP is a tremendous tool. There are so many exercises I learned that could be used in a variety of different venues. I think anybody would benefit from taking this class because it’s about communication, it’s about listening skills, it’s about building...
Embrace our Sacred Space Exercise daily for divine inspiration and protection. Set intentions for each day and drift into a restful sleep at night, wrapped in its soothing embrace.